Atlantis finally discovered? An analysis of the three fundamental cornerstones of the documentary ATLANTICA, by Ingenio Films.

Report and evaluation by Georgeos Díaz-Montexano, Historical-Scientific Atlantology Adviser in ‘Atlantis Rising’ by James Cameron, Simcha Jacobovici et alii for National Geographic, President Emeritus of the Scientific Atlantology International Society (SAIS), and Accepted Fellow for Life of The Epigraphic Society.

Translation and further evaluation by César Guarde-Paz, Ph.D. in Philosophy, University of Barcelona, Associate Professor in European Studies at Sun Yat-sen University.

Just a few weeks ago, a promotional campaign for a new Italo-British produced documentary was launched under the title: ATLANTICA. In the press release presented in all media by the British company Merlin Burrows and the producer Indigo Films it is noted, with neither hesitation nor ambiguity, that the team that took part in the production of this documentary has already located Atlantis, as described by Plato, just South of Spain, more precisely, at the Doñana marshes. Astonishing statements in the press release –and consistent with what can be seen in the documentary trailer– include the discovering –for the first time in history– of long walls from Atlantis, ruins of the Temple of Poseidon itself, and many circles at the marshes that are considered to be traces from the islands where Atlantis’ cities –concentric and pyramidal, according to the farfetched reenactment in the documentary– were raised.

However, what we can clearly appreciate in the images from the trailer as the alleged remains of the “Temple of Poseidon” are, in fact, the remains of

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